memang dalam bot sekarang key ato biasa disebut ma orang2 itu nomor togel selalu berubah2, jadi tiap kita DC bila nomor togel melewati masa expire maka kita harus ganti nomor togel lg. nomor togel terletak didalam folder src didalam file
contoh nomor togel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
ne tak kaseh yang udah siap pake, tp nomor togel tetap harus up to date. tinggal di copy trus di paste aja di dalam file di folder src kamu.
# This software is open source, licensed under the GNU General Public
# License, version 2.
# Basically, this means that you're allowed to modify and distribute
# this software. However, if you distribute modified versions, you MUST
# also distribute the source code.
# See for the full license.
package main;
use strict;
use Time::HiRes qw(time usleep);
use IO::Socket;
use Text::ParseWords;
use Carp::Assert;
use Config;
use encoding 'utf8';
use Globals;
use Modules;
use Settings qw(%sys %options);
use Log qw(message warning error debug);
use Interface;
use Network::Receive;
use Network::Send ();
use Network::PaddedPackets;
use Network::MessageTokenizer;
use Commands;
use Misc;
use Plugins;
use Utils;
use ChatQueue;
use I18N;
use Utils::Benchmark;
use Utils::HttpReader;
use constant {
our $state;
sub mainLoop {
Benchmark::begin('mainLoop') if DEBUG;
$state = STATE_LOAD_PLUGINS if (!defined $state);
# Parse command input
my $input;
if (defined($input = $interface->getInput(0))) {
Misc::checkValidity("parseInput (pre)");
if ($state == STATE_INITIALIZED) {
} elsif ($state == STATE_LOAD_PLUGINS) {
} elsif ($state == STATE_LOAD_DATA_FILES) {
} elsif ($state == STATE_INIT_NETWORKING) {
} elsif ($state == STATE_INIT_PORTALS_DATABASE) {
$state = STATE_PROMPT;
} elsif ($state == STATE_PROMPT) {
} elsif ($state == STATE_FINAL_INIT) {
} else {
die "Unknown state $state.";
Benchmark::end('mainLoop') if DEBUG;
# Reload any modules that requested to be reloaded
sub loadPlugins {
eval {
if (my $e = caught('Plugin::LoadException')) {
$interface->errorDialog(TF("This plugin cannot be loaded because of a problem in the plugin. " .
"Please notify the plugin's author about this problem, " .
"or remove the plugin so %s can start.\n\n" .
"The error message is:\n" .
$Settings::NAME, $e->message));
exit 1;
} elsif (my $e = caught('Plugin::DeniedException')) {
exit 1;
} elsif ($@) {
die $@;
sub loadDataFiles {
# These pragmas are necessary in order to support non-ASCII filenames.
# If we use UTF-8 strings then Perl will think the file doesn't exist,
# if $Settings::control_folder or $Settings::tables_folder contains
# non-ASCII characters.
no encoding 'utf8';
# Add loading of Control files
loader => [\&parseConfigFile, \%config],
internalName => 'config.txt',
autoSearch => 0);
loader => [\&parseMonControl, \%mon_control],
internalName => 'mon_control.txt',
autoSearch => 0);
loader => [\&parseItemsControl, \%items_control],
internalName => 'items_control.txt',
autoSearch => 0);
loader => [\&parseShopControl, \%shop],
internalName => 'shop.txt',
autoSearch => 0);
loader => [\&parseDataFile, \%overallAuth]);
loader => [\&parseDataFile_lc, \%pickupitems]);
loader => [\&parseResponses, \%responses]);
loader => [\&parseTimeouts, \%timeout]);
loader => [\&parseChatResp, \@chatResponses]);
loader => [\&parseAvoidControl, \%avoid]);
loader => [\&parsePriority, \%priority]);
loader => [\&parseSectionedFile, \%consoleColors]);
loader => [\&parseDataFile, \%routeWeights]);
loader => [\&parseDataFile_lc, \%arrowcraft_items]);
# Loading of Table files
# Load Servers.txt first
loader => [\&parseSectionedFile, \%masterServers],
onLoaded => \&processServerSettings );
# Load RecvPackets.txt second
loader => [\&parseDataFile2, \%rpackets]);
# Add 'Old' table pack, if user set
if ( $sys{locale_compat} == 1) {
# Holder for new path
my @new_tables;
my $pathDelimiter = ($^O eq 'MSWin32') ? ';' : ':';
if ($options{tables}) {
foreach my $dir ( split($pathDelimiter, $options{tables}) ) {
push @new_tables, $dir . '/Old';
} else {
push @new_tables, 'tables/Old';
# now set up new path to table folder
Settings::setTablesFolders(@new_tables, Settings::getTablesFolders());
# Load all other tables
loader => [\&parseROLUT, \%cities_lut]);
loader => [\&parseCommandsDescription, \%descriptions]);
loader => [\&parseDataFile2, \%directions_lut]);
loader => [\&parseROLUT, \%elements_lut]);
loader => [\&parseEmotionsFile, \%emotions_lut]);
loader => [\&parseDataFile2, \%equipTypes_lut]);
loader => [\&parseDataFile2, \%haircolors]);
loader => [\&parseArrayFile, \@headgears_lut]);
loader => [\&parseROLUT, \%items_lut]);
loader => [\&parseRODescLUT, \%itemsDesc_lut]);
loader => [\&parseROSlotsLUT, \%itemSlots_lut]);
loader => [\&parseROLUT, \%itemSlotCount_lut]);
loader => [\&parseDataFile2, \%itemTypes_lut]);
loader => [\&parseROLUT, \%mapAlias_lut, 1, ".gat"]);
loader => [\&parseROLUT, \%maps_lut]);
loader => [\&parseDataFile2, \%monsters_lut]);
loader => [\&parseNPCs, \%npcs_lut]);
loader => [\&parseSectionedFile, \%packetDescriptions]);
loader => [\&parsePortals, \%portals_lut]);
loader => [\&parsePortalsLOS, \%portals_los]);
loader => [\&parseDataFile2, \%sex_lut]);
loader => \&Skill::StaticInfo::parseSkillsDatabase_id2handle);
loader => \&Skill::StaticInfo::parseSkillsDatabase_handle2name);
loader => [\&parseDataFile2, \%spells_lut]);
loader => [\&parseRODescLUT, \%skillsDesc_lut]);
loader => \&Skill::StaticInfo::parseSPDatabase);
loader => [\&parseDataFile2, \%statusHandle]);
loader => [\&parseDataFile2, \%stateHandle]);
loader => [\&parseDataFile2, \%lookHandle]);
loader => [\&parseDataFile2, \%ailmentHandle]);
loader => [\&parseDataFile2, \%statusName]);
loader => [\&parseDataFile2, \%skillsArea]);
loader => [\&parseList, \%skillsEncore]);
loader => [\&parseROQuestsLUT, \%quests_lut],
mustExist => 0);
use encoding 'utf8';
eval {
my $progressHandler = sub {
my ($filename) = @_;
message TF("Loading %s...\n", $filename);
if (my $e = caught('UTF8MalformedException')) {
"The file %s must be valid UTF-8 encoded, which it is \n" .
"currently not. To solve this prolem, please use Notepad\n" .
"to save that file as valid UTF-8.",
exit 1;
} elsif (my $e = caught('FileNotFoundException')) {
$interface->errorDialog(TF("Unable to load the file %s.", $e->filename));
exit 1;
} elsif ($@) {
die $@;
if ($config{'adminPassword'} eq 'x' x 10) {
Log::message(T("\nAuto-generating Admin Password due to default...\n"));
configModify("adminPassword", vocalString(8));
#} elsif ($config{'adminPassword'} eq '') {
# # This is where we protect the stupid from having a blank admin password
# Log::message(T("\nAuto-generating Admin Password due to blank...\n"));
# configModify("adminPassword", vocalString(8));
} elsif ($config{'secureAdminPassword'} eq '1') {
# This is where we induldge the paranoid and let them have session generated admin passwords
Log::message(T("\nGenerating session Admin Password...\n"));
configModify("adminPassword", vocalString(8));
sub initNetworking {
our $XKore_dontRedirect = 0;
my $XKore_version = $config{XKore} ? $config{XKore} : $sys{XKore};
eval {
if ($XKore_version eq "1" || $XKore_version eq "inject") {
# Inject DLL to running Ragnarok process
require Network::XKore;
$net = new Network::XKore;
} elsif ($XKore_version eq "2") {
# Run as a proxy bot, allowing Ragnarok to connect while botting
require Network::DirectConnection;
require Network::XKore2;
$net = new Network::DirectConnection;
} elsif ($XKore_version eq "3" || $XKore_version eq "proxy") {
# Proxy Ragnarok client connection
require Network::XKoreProxy;
$net = new Network::XKoreProxy;
} else {
# Run as a standalone bot, with no interface to the official RO client
require Network::DirectConnection;
$net = new Network::DirectConnection;
if ($@) {
# Problem with networking.
exit 1;
if ($sys{bus}) {
require Bus::Client;
require Bus::Handlers;
my $host = $sys{bus_server_host};
my $port = $sys{bus_server_port};
$host = undef if ($host eq '');
$port = undef if ($port eq '');
$bus = new Bus::Client(host => $host, port => $port);
our $busMessageHandler = new Bus::Handlers($bus);
sub initPortalsDatabase {
# $config{portalCompile}
# -1: skip compile
# 0: ask user
# 1: auto compile
# TODO: detect when another instance already compiles portals?
return if $config{portalCompile} < 0;
Log::message(T("Checking for new portals... "));
if (compilePortals_check()) {
Log::message(T("found new portals!\n"));
my $choice = $config{portalCompile} ? 0 : $interface->showMenu(
T("New portals have been added to the portals database. " .
"The portals database must be compiled before the new portals can be used. " .
"Would you like to compile portals now?\n"),
[T("Yes, compile now."), T("No, don't compile it.")],
title => T("Compile portals?"));
if ($choice == 0) {
Log::message(T("compiling portals") . "\n\n");
} else {
Log::message(T("skipping compile") . "\n\n");
} else {
Log::message(T("none found\n\n"));
sub promptFirstTimeInformation {
if ($net->version != 1) {
my $msg;
if (!$config{username}) {
$msg = $interface->query(T("Please enter your Ragnarok Online username."));
if (!defined($msg)) {
configModify('username', $msg, 1);
if (!$config{password}) {
$msg = $interface->query(T("Please enter your Ragnarok Online password."), isPassword => 1);
if (!defined($msg)) {
configModify('password', $msg, 1);
sub processServerSettings {
my $filename = shift;
# Select Master server on Demand
if ($config{master} eq "" || $config{master} =~ /^\d+$/ || !exists $masterServers{$config{master}}) {
my @servers = sort { lc($a) cmp lc($b) } keys(%masterServers);
my $choice = $interface->showMenu(
T("Please choose a master server to connect to."),
title => T("Master servers"));
if ($choice == -1) {
} else {
configModify('master', $servers[$choice], 1);
# Parse server settings
my $master = $masterServer = $masterServers{$config{master}};
foreach my $serverOption ('serverType', 'chatLangCode', 'storageEncryptKey', 'gameGuard', 'charBlockSize',
'paddedPackets', 'paddedPackets_attackID', 'paddedPackets_skillUseID',
'mapServer_ip', 'mapServer_port') {
if ($master->{$serverOption} ne '' && $config{$serverOption} ne $master->{$serverOption}) {
# Delete Wite Space
$master->{$serverOption} =~ s/^\s//;
$master->{$serverOption} =~ s/\s$//;
# Set config
configModify($serverOption, $master->{$serverOption});
if ($master->{serverEncoding} ne '' && $config{serverEncoding} ne $master->{serverEncoding}) {
configModify('serverEncoding', $master->{serverEncoding});
} elsif ($config{serverEncoding} eq '') {
configModify('serverEncoding', 'Western');
# Process adding ServerType specific table folders
my ($st_mode, $st_type, $st_param) = Settings::parseServerType($masterServer->{serverType}) if ($master->{serverType} && $master->{serverType} ne '') ;
if ($st_mode == 1) {
# Holder for new path
my @new_tables;
# for each table folders path we add our own, whatever it exist or not
foreach my $dir ( Settings::getTablesFolders() ) {
# If the ServerType is with sub type
if (defined($st_param) && $st_param ne '') {
push @new_tables, $dir . '/' . $st_type . '/' . $st_param;
push @new_tables, $dir . '/' . $st_type;
push @new_tables, $dir;
# now set up new path to table folders
Settings::setTablesFolders(grep -d, @new_tables);
# Process adding Custom Table folders
if($masterServer->{addTableFolders}) {
# Process setting custom recvpackets option
Settings::setRecvPacketsName($masterServer->{recvpackets} && $masterServer->{recvpackets} ne '' ? $masterServer->{recvpackets} : Settings::getRecvPacketsFilename() );
sub finalInitialization {
$incomingMessages = new Network::MessageTokenizer(\%rpackets);
$outgoingClientMessages = new Network::MessageTokenizer(\%rpackets);
$KoreStartTime = time;
$conState = 1;
our $nextConfChangeTime;
$bExpSwitch = 2;
$jExpSwitch = 2;
$totalBaseExp = 0;
$totalJobExp = 0;
$startTime_EXP = time;
$taskManager = new TaskManager();
# run 'permanent' tasks
for (qw/Task::RaiseStat Task::RaiseSkill/) {
eval "require $_";
# protect actor hashes from autovivification
require Utils::ActorHashTie;
tie %items, 'Tie::ActorHash';
tie %monsters, 'Tie::ActorHash';
tie %players, 'Tie::ActorHash';
tie %pets, 'Tie::ActorHash';
tie %npcs, 'Tie::ActorHash';
tie %portals, 'Tie::ActorHash';
tie %slaves, 'Tie::ActorHash';
$itemsList = new ActorList('Actor::Item');
$monstersList = new ActorList('Actor::Monster');
$playersList = new ActorList('Actor::Player');
$petsList = new ActorList('Actor::Pet');
$npcsList = new ActorList('Actor::NPC');
$portalsList = new ActorList('Actor::Portal');
$slavesList = new ActorList('Actor::Slave');
foreach my $list ($itemsList, $monstersList, $playersList, $petsList, $npcsList, $portalsList, $slavesList) {
$list->onAdd()->add(undef, \&actorAdded);
$list->onRemove()->add(undef, \&actorRemoved);
$list->onClearBegin()->add(undef, \&actorListClearing);
$timeout{'injectSync'}{'time'} = time;
Log::message("Initialized, use 'connect' to continue\n") if $Settings::no_connect;
# Calculate next random restart time.
# The restart time will be autoRestartMin + rand(autoRestartSeed)
sub initRandomRestart {
if ($config{'autoRestart'}) {
my $autoRestart = $config{'autoRestartMin'} + int(rand $config{'autoRestartSeed'});
message TF("Next restart in %s\n", timeConvert($autoRestart)), "system";
configModify("autoRestart", $autoRestart, 1);
# Initialize random configuration switching time
sub initConfChange {
my $i = 0;
while (exists $ai_v{"autoConfChange_${i}_timeout"}) {
delete $ai_v{"autoConfChange_${i}_timeout"};
$i = 0;
while (exists $config{"autoConfChange_$i"}) {
$ai_v{"autoConfChange_${i}_timeout"} = $config{"autoConfChange_${i}_minTime"} +
$lastConfChangeTime = time;
# Initialize variables when you start a connection to a map server
sub initConnectVars {
# we must use $chars[$config{char}] here because $char may not be set
if ($char) {
$char->{skills} = {};
delete $char->{mute_period};
delete $char->{muted};
undef @skillsID;
$useArrowCraft = 1;
# Initialize variables when you change map (after a teleport or after you walked into a portal)
sub initMapChangeVars {
# we must use $chars[$config{char}] here because $char may not be set
@portalsID_old = @portalsID;
%portals_old = %portals;
foreach (@portalsID_old) {
next if (!$_ || !$portals_old{$_});
$portals_old{$_}{gone_time} = time if (!$portals_old{$_}{gone_time});
# this is just used for portalRecord (add opposite portal by guessing method)
if ($char) {
$char->{old_pos_to} = {%{$char->{pos_to}}} if ($char->{pos_to});
delete $char->{sitting};
delete $char->{dead};
delete $char->{warp};
delete $char->{casting};
delete $char->{homunculus}{appear_time} if $char->{homunculus};
$timeout{play}{time} = time;
$timeout{ai_sync}{time} = time;
$timeout{ai_sit_idle}{time} = time;
$timeout{ai_teleport}{time} = time;
$timeout{ai_teleport_idle}{time} = time;
$timeout{ai_teleport_safe_force}{time} = time;
delete $timeout{ai_teleport_retry}{time};
delete $timeout{ai_teleport_delay}{time};
undef %incomingDeal;
undef %outgoingDeal;
undef %currentDeal;
undef $currentChatRoom;
undef @currentChatRoomUsers;
undef @itemsID;
undef @identifyID;
undef @spellsID;
undef @arrowCraftID;
undef %items;
undef %spells;
undef %incomingParty;
undef %talk;
$ai_v{cart_time} = time + 60;
$ai_v{inventory_time} = time + 60;
$ai_v{temp} = {};
$cart{inventory} = [];
undef @venderItemList;
undef $venderID;
undef $venderCID;
undef @venderListsID;
undef %venderLists;
undef %incomingGuild;
undef @chatRoomsID;
undef %chatRooms;
undef %createdChatRoom;
undef @lastpm;
undef %incomingFriend;
undef $repairList;
undef $devotionList;
undef $cookingList;
$captcha_state = 0;
@unknownPlayers = ();
@unknownNPCs = ();
@sellList = ();
$shopstarted = 0;
$timeout{ai_shop}{time} = time;
$timeout{ai_storageAuto}{time} = time + 5;
$timeout{ai_buyAuto}{time} = time + 5;
$timeout{ai_shop}{time} = time;
AI::clear("attack", "move");
AI::SlaveManager::clear("attack", "route", "move");
$logAppend = ($config{logAppendUsername}) ? "_$config{username}_$config{char}" : '';
if ($config{logAppendUsername} && index($Settings::storage_log_file, $logAppend) == -1) {
$Settings::chat_log_file = substr($Settings::chat_log_file, 0, length($Settings::chat_log_file) - 4) . "$logAppend.txt";
$Settings::storage_log_file = substr($Settings::storage_log_file, 0, length($Settings::storage_log_file) - 4) . "$logAppend.txt";
$Settings::shop_log_file = substr($Settings::shop_log_file, 0, length($Settings::shop_log_file) - 4) . "$logAppend.txt";
$Settings::monster_log_file = substr($Settings::monster_log_file, 0, length($Settings::monster_log_log) - 4) . "$logAppend.txt";
$Settings::item_log_file = substr($Settings::item_log_file, 0, length($Settings::item_log_file) - 4) . "$logAppend.txt";
# Initialize variables when your character logs in
sub initStatVars {
$totaldmg = 0;
$dmgpsec = 0;
$startedattack = 0;
$monstarttime = 0;
$monkilltime = 0;
$elasped = 0;
$totalelasped = 0;
# This function is called every time in the main loop, when OpenKore has been
# fully initialized.
sub mainLoop_initialized {
Benchmark::begin("mainLoop_part1") if DEBUG;
# Handle connection states
# Receive and handle data from the RO server
my $data = $net->serverRecv;
if (defined($data) && length($data) > 0) {
if ($net->getState() < 2){
$data = idro_decrypt($data);
Benchmark::begin("parseMsg") if DEBUG;
my $type;
while ($data = $incomingMessages->readNext(\$type)) {
if ($type == Network::MessageTokenizer::KNOWN_MESSAGE) {
} else {
if ($type == Network::MessageTokenizer::UNKNOWN_MESSAGE) {
# Unknown message - ignore it
my $messageID = Network::MessageTokenizer::getMessageID($data);
if (!existsInList($config{debugPacket_exclude}, $messageID)) {
warning TF("Packet Tokenizer: Unknown switch: %s\n", $messageID), "connection";
visualDump($data, "<< Received unknown packet") if ($config{debugPacket_unparsed});
} elsif ($config{debugPacket_received}) {
debug "Received account ID\n", "parseMsg", 0 ;
# Pass it along to the client, whatever it is
$net->clientFlush() if (UNIVERSAL::isa($net, 'Network::XKoreProxy'));
Benchmark::end("parseMsg") if DEBUG;
# Receive and handle data from the RO client
$data = $net->clientRecv;
if (defined($data) && length($data) > 0) {
if ($net->getState() < 2){
$data = idro_decrypt($data);
my $type;
while ($data = $outgoingClientMessages->readNext(\$type)) {
# GameGuard support
if ($config{gameGuard} && ($net->version != 1 || ($net->version == 1 && $config{gameGuard} eq '2'))) {
my $result = Poseidon::Client::getInstance()->getResult();
if (defined($result)) {
debug "Received Poseidon result.\n", "poseidon";
Benchmark::end("mainLoop_part1") if DEBUG;
Benchmark::begin("mainLoop_part2") if DEBUG;
# Process AI
if ($net->getState() == Network::IN_GAME && timeOut($timeout{ai}) && $net->serverAlive()) {
Misc::checkValidity("AI (pre)");
Benchmark::begin("ai") if DEBUG;
Benchmark::end("ai") if DEBUG;
Benchmark::begin("ai_homunculus") if DEBUG;
Benchmark::end("ai_homunculus") if DEBUG;
return if $quit;
Benchmark::end("mainLoop_part2") if DEBUG;
Benchmark::begin("mainLoop_part3") if DEBUG;
# Process bus events.
$bus->iterate() if ($bus);
###### Other stuff that's run in the main loop #####
if ($config{'autoRestart'} && time - $KoreStartTime > $config{'autoRestart'}
&& $net->getState() == Network::IN_GAME && !AI::inQueue(qw/attack take items_take/)) {
message T("\nAuto-restarting!!\n"), "system";
if ($config{'autoRestartSleep'}) {
my $sleeptime = $config{'autoSleepMin'} + int(rand $config{'autoSleepSeed'});
$timeout_ex{'master'}{'timeout'} = $sleeptime;
$sleeptime = $timeout{'reconnect'}{'timeout'} if ($sleeptime < $timeout{'reconnect'}{'timeout'});
message TF("Sleeping for %s\n", timeConvert($sleeptime)), "system";
} else {
$timeout_ex{'master'}{'timeout'} = $timeout{'reconnect'}{'timeout'};
$timeout_ex{'master'}{'time'} = time;
$KoreStartTime = time + $timeout_ex{'master'}{'timeout'};
undef %ai_v;
undef $conState_tries;
# Automatically switch to a different config file
# based on certain conditions
if ($net->getState() == Network::IN_GAME && timeOut($AI::Timeouts::autoConfChangeTime, 0.5)
&& !AI::inQueue(qw/attack take items_take/)) {
my $selected;
my $i = 0;
while (exists $config{"autoConfChange_$i"}) {
if ($config{"autoConfChange_$i"}
&& ( !$config{"autoConfChange_${i}_minTime"} || timeOut($lastConfChangeTime, $ai_v{"autoConfChange_${i}_timeout"}) )
&& inRange($char->{lv}, $config{"autoConfChange_${i}_lvl"})
&& inRange($char->{lv_job}, $config{"autoConfChange_${i}_joblvl"})
&& ( !$config{"autoConfChange_${i}_isJob"} || $jobs_lut{$char->{jobID}} eq $config{"autoConfChange_${i}_isJob"} )
) {
$selected = $config{"autoConfChange_$i"};
if ($selected) {
# Choose a random configuration file
my @files = split(/,+/, $selected);
my $file = $files[rand(@files)];
message TF("Changing configuration file (from \"%s\" to \"%s\")...\n", $Settings::config_file, $file), "system";
# A relogin is necessary if the server host/port, username
# or char is different.
my $oldMaster = $masterServer;
my $oldUsername = $config{'username'};
my $oldChar = $config{'char'};
my $master = $masterServer = $masterServers{$config{'master'}};
if ($net->version != 1
&& $oldMaster->{ip} ne $master->{ip}
|| $oldMaster->{port} ne $master->{port}
|| $oldMaster->{master_version} ne $master->{master_version}
|| $oldMaster->{version} ne $master->{version}
|| $oldUsername ne $config{'username'}
|| $oldChar ne $config{'char'}) {
} else {
AI::clear("move", "route", "mapRoute");
AI::SlaveManager::clear("move", "route", "mapRoute");
$AI::Timeouts::autoConfChangeTime = time;
#processStatisticsReporting() unless ($sys{sendAnonymousStatisticReport} eq "0");
# Set interface title
my $charName;
my $title;
$charName = "$char->{name}: " if ($char);
if ($net->getState() == Network::IN_GAME) {
my ($basePercent, $jobPercent, $weight, $pos);
assert(defined $char);
$basePercent = sprintf("%.2f", $char->{exp} / $char->{exp_max} * 100) if ($char->{exp_max});
$jobPercent = sprintf("%.2f", $char->{exp_job} / $char->{exp_job_max} * 100) if ($char->{exp_job_max});
$weight = int($char->{weight} / $char->{weight_max} * 100) . "%" if ($char->{weight_max});
$pos = " : $char->{pos_to}{x},$char->{pos_to}{y} " . $field->name() if ($char->{pos_to} && $field);
# Translation Comment: Interface Title with character status
$title = TF("%s B%s (%s), J%s (%s) : w%s%s - %s",
$charName, $char->{lv}, $basePercent . '%',
$char->{lv_job}, $jobPercent . '%',
$weight, $pos, $Settings::NAME);
} elsif ($net->getState() == Network::NOT_CONNECTED) {
# Translation Comment: Interface Title
$title = TF("%sNot connected - %s", $charName, $Settings::NAME);
} else {
# Translation Comment: Interface Title
$title = TF("%sConnecting - %s", $charName, $Settings::NAME);
my %args = (return => $title);
Benchmark::end("mainLoop_part3") if DEBUG;
# Anonymous statistics reporting. This gives us insight about
# servers that our users bot on.
sub processStatisticsReporting {
our %statisticsReporting;
if (!$statisticsReporting{reported} && $config{master} && $config{username}) {
if (!$statisticsReporting{http}) {
use Utils qw(urlencode);
import Utils::Whirlpool qw(whirlpool_hex);
# user is sent. The username is filtered through an
# irreversible hashing algorithm before it is sent to the
# server. It is impossible to deduce the user's username
# from the data sent to the server.
# If you're still not convinced about the security of this,
# please read the following web pages for more details and explanation:
# -and-
my $url = "";
my $post = "server=" . urlencode($config{master});
$post .= "&product=" . urlencode($Settings::NAME);
$post .= "&version=" . urlencode($Settings::VERSION);
$post .= "&uid=" . urlencode(whirlpool_hex($config{master} . $config{username} . $userSeed));
$statisticsReporting{http} = new StdHttpReader($url, $post);
debug "Posting anonymous usage statistics to $url\n", "statisticsReporting";
my $http = $statisticsReporting{http};
if ($http->getStatus() == HttpReader::DONE) {
$statisticsReporting{reported} = 1;
delete $statisticsReporting{http};
debug "Statistics posting completed.\n", "statisticsReporting";
} elsif ($http->getStatus() == HttpReader::ERROR) {
$statisticsReporting{reported} = 1;
delete $statisticsReporting{http};
debug "Statistics posting failed: " . $http->getError() . "\n", "statisticsReporting";
} elsif (!$statisticsReporting{infoPosted} && $masterServer && $masterServer->{ip}
&& $config{master} && $net && $net->getState() == Network::IN_GAME && $monstarttime) {
if (!$statisticsReporting{http}) {
my $url = "";
my $serverData = "";
foreach my $key (sort keys %{$masterServer}) {
$serverData .= "$key $masterServer->{$key}\n";
my $post = "server=" . urlencode($config{master}) . "&data=" . urlencode($serverData);
$statisticsReporting{http} = new StdHttpReader($url, $post);
debug "Posting server info to $url\n", "statisticsReporting";
my $http = $statisticsReporting{http};
if ($http->getStatus() == HttpReader::DONE) {
$statisticsReporting{infoPosted} = 1;
delete $statisticsReporting{http};
debug "Server info posting completed.\n", "statisticsReporting";
} elsif ($http->getStatus() == HttpReader::ERROR) {
$statisticsReporting{infoPosted} = 1;
delete $statisticsReporting{http};
debug "Server info posting failed: " . $http->getError() . "\n", "statisticsReporting";
sub parseInput {
my $input = shift;
my $printType;
my ($hook, $msg);
$printType = shift if ($net && $net->clientAlive);
debug("Input: $input\n", "parseInput", 2);
if ($printType) {
my $hookOutput = sub {
my ($type, $domain, $level, $globalVerbosity, $message, $user_data) = @_;
$msg .= $message if ($type ne 'debug' && $level <= $globalVerbosity);
$hook = Log::addHook($hookOutput);
$interface->writeOutput("console", "$input\n");
$XKore_dontRedirect = 1;
if ($printType) {
if (defined $msg && $net->getState() == Network::IN_GAME && $config{XKore_silent}) {
$msg =~ s/\n*$//s;
$msg =~ s/\n/\\n/g;
sendMessage($messageSender, "k", $msg);
$XKore_dontRedirect = 0;
# Parse RO Client Send Message
sub parseOutgoingClientMessage {
use bytes;
no encoding 'utf8';
my ($msg) = @_;
my $sendMsg = $msg;
if (length($msg) >= 4 && $net->getState() >= 4 && length($msg) >= unpack("v1", substr($msg, 0, 2))) {
Network::Receive->decrypt(\$msg, $msg);
my $switch = Network::MessageTokenizer::getMessageID($msg);
if ($config{'debugPacket_ro_sent'} && !existsInList($config{'debugPacket_exclude'}, $switch) ||
$config{'debugPacket_include_dumpMethod'} && existsInList($config{'debugPacket_include'}, $switch))
my $label = $packetDescriptions{Send}{$switch} ?
" - $packetDescriptions{Send}{$switch}" : '';
if ($config{'debugPacket_ro_sent'} == 1) {
debug sprintf("Sent by RO client packet: %-4s [%2d bytes] %s\n", $switch, length($msg), $label), "parseMsg", 0;
} elsif ($config{'debugPacket_ro_sent'} == 2) {
visualDump($sendMsg, "<< Received packet (RO): $switch $label");
if ($config{'debugPacket_include_dumpMethod'} == 1) {
debug "Packet: $switch$label\n", "parseMsg", 0;
} elsif ($config{'debugPacket_include_dumpMethod'} == 2) {
visualDump($sendMsg, $switch . $label);
} elsif ($config{'debugPacket_include_dumpMethod'} == 3) {
} elsif ($config{'debugPacket_include_dumpMethod'} == 4) {
open DUMP, ">> DUMP_lines.txt";
print DUMP sprintf(unpack('H*', $msg) . "\n");
close DUMP;
Plugins::callHook('RO_sendMsg_pre', {switch => $switch, msg => $msg, realMsg => \$sendMsg});
my $serverType = $masterServer->{serverType};
# If the player tries to manually do something in the RO client, disable AI for a small period
# of time using ai_clientSuspend().
# sendSync
if ($masterServer->{syncID} && $switch eq sprintf('%04X', hex($masterServer->{syncID}))) {
#syncSync support for XKore 1 mode
$syncSync = substr($msg, $masterServer->{syncTickOffset}, 4);
# sendGameLogin
} elsif ($switch eq "0065") {
# Login to character server
# sendCharLogin
} elsif ($switch eq "0066") {
# Login character selected
configModify("char", unpack("C*",substr($msg, 2, 1)));
# sendMapLogin
} elsif (
($switch eq "0072" && ($serverType == 0 || $serverType == 21 || $serverType == 22)) ||
($switch eq "00F3" && $serverType == 18)
) {
# Map login
if ($serverType == 0 && $config{sex} ne "") {
$sendMsg = substr($sendMsg, 0, 18) . pack("C",$config{'sex'});
# sendSync
} elsif ($switch eq "00A7") {
if($masterServer && $masterServer->{paddedPackets}) {
$syncSync = substr($msg, 8, 4);
# sendSync
} elsif ($switch eq "007E") {
if ($masterServer && $masterServer->{paddedPackets}) {
$syncSync = substr($msg, 4, 4);
# sendMapLoaded
} elsif ($switch eq "007D") {
# Map loaded
$timeout{ai}{time} = time;
if ($firstLoginMap) {
undef $sentWelcomeMessage;
undef $firstLoginMap;
$timeout{'welcomeText'}{'time'} = time;
$ai_v{portalTrace_mapChanged} = time;
# syncSync support for XKore 1 mode
if($masterServer->{serverType} == 11) {
$syncSync = substr($msg, 8, 4);
} else {
# formula: MapLoaded_len + Sync_len - 4 - Sync_packet_last_junk
$syncSync = substr($msg, $masterServer->{mapLoadedTickOffset}, 4);
message T("Map loaded\n"), "connection";
# sendMove
} elsif ($switch eq "0085") {
#if ($masterServer->{serverType} == 0 || $masterServer->{serverType} == 1 || $masterServer->{serverType} == 2) {
# #Move
# AI::clear("clientSuspend");
# makeCoordsDir(\%coords, substr($msg, 2, 3));
# ai_clientSuspend($switch, (distance($char->{'pos'}, \%coords) * $char->{walk_speed}) + 4);
# sendAction
} elsif ($switch eq "0089") {
if ($masterServer->{serverType} == 0) {
# Attack
if (!$config{'tankMode'} && !AI::inQueue("attack")) {
ai_clientSuspend($switch, 2, unpack("C*",substr($msg,6,1)), substr($msg,2,4));
} else {
undef $sendMsg;
# sendChat
} elsif (($switch eq "008C" && ($masterServer->{serverType} == 0 || $masterServer->{serverType} == 1 || $masterServer->{serverType} == 2 || $masterServer->{serverType} == 6 || $masterServer->{serverType} == 7 || $masterServer->{serverType} == 10 || $masterServer->{serverType} == 11 || $masterServer->{serverType} == 21 || $masterServer->{serverType} == 22)) ||
($switch eq "00F3" && ($masterServer->{serverType} == 3 || $masterServer->{serverType} == 5 || $masterServer->{serverType} == 8 || $masterServer->{serverType} == 9 || $masterServer->{serverType} == 15)) ||
($switch eq "009F" && $masterServer->{serverType} == 4) ||
($switch eq "007E" && $masterServer->{serverType} == 12) ||
($switch eq "0190" && ($masterServer->{serverType} == 13 || $masterServer->{serverType} == 18)) ||
($switch eq "0085" && $masterServer->{serverType} == 14) || # Public chat
# sendPartyChat
$switch eq "0108" || # Party chat
# sendGuildChat
$switch eq "017E") { # Guild chat
my $length = unpack("v",substr($msg,2,2));
my $message = substr($msg, 4, $length - 4);
my ($chat) = $message =~ /^[\s\S]*? : ([\s\S]*)\000?/;
$chat =~ s/^\s*//;
my $prefix = quotemeta $config{'commandPrefix'};
if ($chat =~ /^$prefix/) {
$chat =~ s/^$prefix//;
$chat =~ s/^\s*//;
$chat =~ s/\s*$//;
$chat =~ s/\000*$//;
parseInput($chat, 1);
undef $sendMsg;
# sendPrivateMsg
} elsif ($switch eq "0096") {
# Private message
my $length = unpack("v",substr($msg,2,2));
my ($user) = substr($msg, 4, 24) =~ /([\s\S]*?)\000/;
my $chat = substr($msg, 28, $length - 29);
$chat =~ s/^\s*//;
# Ensures: $user and $chat are String
$user = I18N::bytesToString($user);
$chat = I18N::bytesToString($chat);
my $prefix = quotemeta $config{commandPrefix};
if ($chat =~ /^$prefix/) {
$chat =~ s/^$prefix//;
$chat =~ s/^\s*//;
$chat =~ s/\s*$//;
parseInput($chat, 1);
undef $sendMsg;
} else {
undef %lastpm;
$lastpm{msg} = $chat;
$lastpm{user} = $user;
push @lastpm, {%lastpm};
# sendLook
} elsif (($switch eq "009B" && $masterServer->{serverType} == 0) ||
($switch eq "009B" && $masterServer->{serverType} == 1) ||
($switch eq "009B" && $masterServer->{serverType} == 2) ||
($switch eq "0085" && $masterServer->{serverType} == 3) ||
($switch eq "00F3" && $masterServer->{serverType} == 4) ||
($switch eq "0085" && $masterServer->{serverType} == 5) ||
#($switch eq "009B" && $masterServer->{serverType} == 6) || serverType 6 uses what?
($switch eq "009B" && $masterServer->{serverType} == 7) ||
($switch eq "0072" && $masterServer->{serverType} == 13)) { # rRO
# Look
if ($char) {
if ($masterServer->{serverType} == 0) {
$char->{look}{head} = unpack("C", substr($msg, 2, 1));
$char->{look}{body} = unpack("C", substr($msg, 4, 1));
} elsif ($masterServer->{serverType} == 1 ||
$masterServer->{serverType} == 2 ||
$masterServer->{serverType} == 4 ||
$masterServer->{serverType} == 7) {
$char->{look}{head} = unpack("C", substr($msg, 6, 1));
$char->{look}{body} = unpack("C", substr($msg, 14, 1));
} elsif ($masterServer->{serverType} == 3) {
$char->{look}{head} = unpack("C", substr($msg, 12, 1));
$char->{look}{body} = unpack("C", substr($msg, 22, 1));
} elsif ($masterServer->{serverType} == 5) {
$char->{look}{head} = unpack("C", substr($msg, 8, 1));
$char->{look}{body} = unpack("C", substr($msg, 16, 1));
} elsif ($masterServer->{serverType} == 13) { # rRO
$char->{look}{head} = unpack("C", substr($msg, 2, 1));
$char->{look}{body} = unpack("C", substr($msg, 4, 1));
# sendTake
} elsif ($switch eq "009F") {
if ($masterServer->{serverType} == 0) {
# Take
ai_clientSuspend($switch, 2, substr($msg,2,4));
# sendRestart
} elsif ($switch eq "00B2") {
# Trying to exit (respawn)
ai_clientSuspend($switch, 10);
# sendQuit
} elsif ($switch eq "018A") {
# Trying to exit
ai_clientSuspend($switch, 10);
# sendAlignment (makes no sense since this is a GM sent packet?)
} elsif ($switch eq "0149") {
# Chat/skill mute
undef $sendMsg;
# sendOpenShop
} elsif ($switch eq "01B2") {
# client started a shop manually
$shopstarted = 1;
# sendCloseShop
} elsif ($switch eq "012E") {
# client stopped shop manually
$shopstarted = 0;
if ($sendMsg ne "") {
# This should be changed to packets that haven't been parsed yet, in a similar manner
# as parseMsg
return "";
#Parse Message
# void parseIncomingMessage(Bytes msg)
# msg: The data to parse, as received from the socket.
# Parse network data sent by the RO server.
sub parseIncomingMessage {
my ($msg) = @_;
# Determine packet switch
my $switch = Network::MessageTokenizer::getMessageID($msg);
if (length($msg) >= 4 && substr($msg, 0, 4) ne $accountID && $net->getState() >= Network::CONNECTED_TO_CHAR_SERVER
&& $lastswitch ne $switch && length($msg) >= unpack("v1", substr($msg, 0, 2))) {
# The decrypt below casued annoying unparsed errors (at least in serverType 2)
if ($masterServer->{serverType} != 2) {
Network::Receive->decrypt(\$msg, $msg);
$switch = Network::MessageTokenizer::getMessageID($msg);
# The user is running in X-Kore mode and wants to switch character or gameGuard type 2 after 0259 tag 02.
# We're now expecting an accountID, unless the server has replicated packet 0259 (server-side bug).
if ($net->getState() == 2.5 && (!$config{gameGuard} || ($switch ne '0259' && $config{gameGuard} eq "2"))) {
if (length($msg) >= 4) {
$accountID = substr($msg, 0, 4);
debug "Selecting character, new accountID: ".unpack("V", $accountID)."\n", "connection";
return substr($msg, 4);
} else {
return $msg;
$lastswitch = $switch;
if ($config{'debugPacket_received'} && !existsInList($config{'debugPacket_exclude'}, $switch) ||
$config{'debugPacket_include_dumpMethod'} && existsInList($config{'debugPacket_include'}, $switch))
my $label = $packetDescriptions{Recv}{$switch} ?
"[$packetDescriptions{Recv}{$switch}]" : '';
if ($config{'debugPacket_received'} == 1) {
debug sprintf("Received packet: %-4s [%2d bytes] %s\n", $switch, length($msg), $label), "parseMsg", 0;
} elsif ($config{'debugPacket_received'} == 2) {
visualDump($msg, "<< Received packet (server): $switch $label");
if ($config{'debugPacket_include_dumpMethod'} == 1) {
debug "Packet: $switch$label\n", "parseMsg", 0;
} elsif ($config{'debugPacket_include_dumpMethod'} == 2) {
visualDump($msg, "$switch$label");
} elsif ($config{'debugPacket_include_dumpMethod'} == 3) {
} elsif ($config{'debugPacket_include_dumpMethod'} == 4) {
open DUMP, ">> DUMP_lines.txt";
print DUMP sprintf(unpack('H*', $msg) . "\n");
close DUMP;
Plugins::callHook('parseMsg/pre', {switch => $switch, msg => $msg, msg_size => length($msg)});
if (!$packetParser->willMangle($switch)) {
# If we're running in X-Kore mode, pass the message back to the RO client.
$lastPacketTime = time;
if ($packetParser &&
(my $args = $packetParser->parse($msg))) {
# Use the new object-oriented packet parser
if ($config{debugPacket_received} == 3 &&
existsInList($config{'debugPacket_include'}, $switch)) {
my $switch = $args->{switch};
my $packet = $packetParser->{packet_list}{$switch};
my ($name, $packString, $varNames) = @{$packet};
my @vars = ();
for my $varName (@{$varNames}) {
message "$varName = $args->{$varName}\n";
if ($packetParser->willMangle($switch)) {
my $ret = $packetParser->mangle($args);
if (!$ret) {
# Packet was not mangled
} elsif ($ret == 1) {
# Packet was mangled
} else {
# Packet was suppressed
sub idro_decrypt {
my $data = shift;
my $data2 = "";
my @tabel = split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
my @hex = split / *\ + */,getHex($data);
for (my $i=0;$i < @hex; $i++) {
$data2 .= giveHex($tabel[hex($hex[$i])]);
return $data2;
return 1;
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siapa yang tidak tau game risk your life atau biasa disebut RYL, RYL pertama keluar diindonesia dengan sebutan RYL 1, setelah itu ryl 2 atau...
hallo gamers mania.. ne aku share no togel atau kode atau key wat biar bisa bot ragnarok online pake openkore 2.0.7 svn Expired ...
gamers mania.. kita tahu siapapun pasti mencari apa yang dinamakan cheat. cheat adalah sebuah cara bagi sebagian player atau user untuk memp...
alo mas,, mau tanya donk..
ReplyDeletekoq pass saya jalanin erornya bilang
"Paket Tokenizer: Unknown Switch: C953" kenapa ya???
tolong penyelesaiannya>....
itu berarti key di ato biasa disebut ma orang2 nomor togel minta di ganti karena dah expire.
ReplyDeletene contoh nomor togel dan expire datenya
Expired 23 Juli 2010, ± jam 12:18
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
t4 nomor togelnya yg perlu diganti itu ada diatas komenmu. tiap jam nomor togel kudu ganti bila botmu DC
kakak..ini punya saya botnya kok masih blom bisa ya?bisa tolong bantu gak?
ReplyDeleteblm bisa gmn? g bisa masuk ato gmn?
ReplyDeleteudah tapi ada error
ReplyDeletethe error messages is:
"%options" is not exported by the Setting module
can't continue after import errors at src/ line 21
BEGIN Failed--compilation aborted at src/ line 21
compilation failed in require at line 51
coba download ini trus km ganti punya km yg ada di folder src
trus ntar tinggal ganti togelnya yg blm expire
ReplyDeleteOpenKore version 2.0.7 (Release Candidate)
SVN revision: 6803
No loaded plugins.
Error message:
"%options" is not exported by the Settings module
Can't continue after import errors at src/ line 21
BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at src/ line 21.
Compilation failed in require at line 51.
Stack trace:
"%options" is not exported by the Settings module
Can't continue after import errors at src/ line 21
BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at src/ line 21.
Compilation failed in require at line 51.
at line 1431
PerlApp::my_require('') called at line 51
main::__start() called at line 119
Died at this line:
require Utils::Win32 if ($^O eq 'MSWin32');
* require '';
udah bisa...
ReplyDeletetapi masih tokenizer
padahal udah pake nomer togel yg sekarang tuh...
cara masangnya yg bener harus didalam tanda petik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
ReplyDeletekl gini gmn kk??
ReplyDeleteMelakukan koneksi ke Account Server...
Koneksi terhubung ( Telah connect
Login Keamanan...
Potongan Packet: Switch tidak diketahui: A89B
Terputus dari Account Server, Berusaha untuk terhubung ulang...
Mengakhiri koneksi ( disconnect
radith: itu kudu rubah key di function plnya, key itu tiap jam berubah2
ReplyDeletemasi error ne...mnt table yg terbaru donk...
ReplyDeletekk....kl pake yg 2.0.6 jg ckp ubah functionnya???
ReplyDeletetrus di mn dpt table terbaru???
aku da coba punya kk n kejadiannya keq
OpenKore version 2.0.7 (Release Candidate)
SVN revision: 6803
No loaded plugins.
Error message:
"%options" is not exported by the Settings module
Can't continue after import errors at src/ line 21
BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at src/ line 21.
Compilation failed in require at line 51.
Stack trace:
"%options" is not exported by the Settings module
Can't continue after import errors at src/ line 21
BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at src/ line 21.
Compilation failed in require at line 51.
at line 1431
PerlApp::my_require('') called at line 51
main::__start() called at line 119
Died at this line:
require Utils::Win32 if ($^O eq 'MSWin32');
* require '';
ne caranya cmn y kk???
kk...punyaku keluar
ReplyDeleteunknown error ne napa y kk??
pdhl aku da ikutin ganti function nya n da ganti nmr togelnya
om cara bikin togel gmana? kasih tahu donk
ReplyDeletekk ko bot aq unouck own eror ya,
ReplyDeletepas abis maintanance Skil2 Scrocerer dan lain2,
klo gini gmn,,?
ReplyDeleteudah selese DL openkore,, dah ngejalanin,, trus servernya ketik "4" yaak (katanya seh gabungan...
pas masukin username ada tulisannya "connected" trus dibawahnya lagi "not connected" gto klo gak salah....
itu kenapa yaaakk...